Soot Dispersion Microscope

  • Trinocular
  • With 1000 magnification
  • High quality objective lenses
  • Kohler light
  • With adjustable light intensity and light focus and motion screw
  • 3mpixel camera for microscope mounting
  • Has image Analyzer program
  • Compliant with standard bs2782-8-ISIRI 7175-6
  • Accessories include: bisturi blade for sample cutting
  • Lam (one package), Lam holder clamp
  • Sample preparation kit includes 100 Lam package
  • Clamp and tongs
  • Calibrated smoke transaction program
  • List down particle size
  • Specify the number of particles in the specified intervals
  • Specify total sample grid
  • Specify herb grid
  • Particle distribution chart
  • In accordance with ISO 18553 soot dispersion standard
  • View microscope image at 10 different light intensity
  • Ability to perform 6 Tests and averaging
  • Microscope
  • Has image Analyze program

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