Measurement is an important part of the construction and development process of products. Measurement for the production and development of standards is required for a healthy relationship between the buyer and the seller, as well as to ensure the matching of the product produced with the relevant standards. Measurement is also needed to monitor and monitor the process, whether for optimization and to model the process. In order to be a valid measure and are accepted by all parties and is interpreted to be an interpreted way, a common measurement standard can be tracked through a series of chain and continuous comparisons. Calibration laboratories are in the verdict of the circles of this chain, which ultimately relates to its definition. These definitions are presented by the International System of Entries and is an international agreement. Due to the inclusion of ISO standards and the importance and position of calibration in this standard, the role of calibration laboratories is doubled

Range of activity

The Calibration Laboratory of Knowledge Company is currently active in two types of temperature and pressure. The laboratory capabilities are currently and by providing new authorities and facilities and the use of new technical knowledge, and as follows

Temperature quantity

  • Calibration of sensor types, thermometer and trench of thermocouple reference and industrial industrial and providing equation and calibration diagram, with the ability to support intelligent sensors protocol such as: HART and FIELD BUS (in the laboratory site or in the customer site in the range of 100- to 1200 degrees Celsius)
  • Calibration of all types of sensor, thermometers and trenches of reference and industrial platinum resistance and the provision of equation and calibration chart, with the ability to support intelligent sensors protocols such as: HART and FIELD BUS (in the laboratory site or in the customer site in the range of 100 to 850 ° C)
  • Medical examination of platinum resistance thermometers (SPRT, PRT) reference with triple water spot
  • Calibration of all kinds of sensor, thermometers and trenches of reference and industrial thermisturia and providing equation and calibration diagram (in the laboratory site or in the customer site in the range of 100 to 300 ° C)
  • Calibration of various scores thermometers including bi-metallic and various types of system (Filled System) and providing equation and calibration diagram (at the laboratory in the range of 100 to 300 degrees Celsius or in the customer site in the range of 30- to 140 degrees Celsius The
  • Calibration of a variety of liquid thermometers in the reference, ordinary, industrial, medical and providing equation and calibration diagram (in the laboratory in the range of 40 to 300 degrees Celsius or in the customer site in the range of 30 to 140 degrees Celsius)
  • Calibration of various types of controlled compartments, including a variety of calibration environments, types of ferries, incubators, types of furnaces, types of oven, spray salts, MFI and test and stability reporting and uniformity of temperature in a maximum of 60 positions (in the laboratory site or in customer sites in the site of 100 – up to 1200 degrees Celsius)

Welcome to pressure

  • Calibration of pressure dysfunction, pressure difference, vacuum, vacuum or electric scorpion or electricity (absolute gibre) and industrial and industrialization and calibration diagram (at the laboratory site) and industry types with the provision of equation and calibration chart (on customer site) (in customer sites) (in customer site) Range 1- to 700 times)
  • Calibration of Types of Trernism and Pressure Trench, Pressure Dispute, Vacuum or Scripture (Absolute Gypsy), and Presentation of Equation and Calibration Chart, with the ability to support intelligent sensors protocol such as: HART and FIELD BUS (at the site of the laboratory or in the customer site in the range of 1- 700 times)
  • Calibration of Level Meter Pressure and Compressive Dispute
  • Calibration of the difference in flowers of flometers
  • Calibration of Manometers

Certificates for Qualification

  • Certificate for the Qualification of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of Iran’s Standards and Industrial Research Institute


  • The Calibration Laboratory of the Knowledge Company of the Founder of the Senaf with the aim of responding to all the needs of its customers in two dimensions of temperature and pressure, has equipment in different categories of reference measurement standards to working and industrial standards. The highest ranking of reference standards, which is the task of supplying the best uncertainty of laboratory measurement, as well as tracking measurements, as well as secondary and work standards in each commission

Temperature quantity

  • The best uncertainty as well as the ability to track measurements in the temperature of the temperature in this laboratory is supplied through SPRT reference sensors and type S-type reference thermocouples in this laboratory in the range of 100 to 1200 degrees Celsius; This laboratory also has a variety of reference sensors in different measurements, types of laboratory and portable reference displays, and diverse reference and portable calibration environments in the above range
    From other references, this laboratory is the triple of water, which is the possibility of monitoring of PRT and SPRT sensors at a distance of two calibration. This service can be provided to our customers

Welcome to pressure

  • The best uncertainty as well as the ability to track measurements in the pressure of pressure in this laboratory through Dead Weight Testers in this laboratory is provided in a range of 1- to 700 times; The laboratory also has a variety of laboratory tests and portable calibrators